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Tragedy of Elephants feed on huge landfill | Human have ruined the ecosystem

Tragedy of Elephants feed on huge landfill | Human have ruined the ecosystem

Hungry elephants eat garbage from the landfill located near a border of the forest. Humans have made the living conditions hell for the wildlife. Elephants feeding on rubbish is proof that we’ve ruined the planet. This has become a common sight to the neighboring villagers. Without proper plans, local government has establish landfill on the border of wildlife protected zone. Most of the forest areas have been cleared by the people for building houses and cultivate crops. This has caused habitat destruction and reduce the food availability for elephants and other animals. Therefore hungry elephants tend to visit the landfills in search of food. Unlike the other wild animals elephants need huge amount of food daily, proportionate to their larger body size. There are few herds of elephants coming in to feed off these dumps. The elephants rummage mounts of rubbish, scrounge and the process end up killing them slowly. The elephants eat plastic and polythene that are mixed with the food particles among the rubbish. Swallowed plastic fills the stomach and not surprisingly, this reduces the feeling of hunger. Animals eat less, obtain less energy and weaken. Larger pieces of plastic and polythene can block their gastrointestinal tract. So that the plastics and polythene can no longer be excreted. Seeing this unfortunate situation, local government erected concrete walls around the waste landfill to keep out the hungry elephants. But it was in vain. Strong elephants destroyed the concrete walls by trampling. Now they continue their feeding habit on landfill without any restriction. Rubbish from nearby areas is taken to the dump located near the forest which has since attracted numerous wild animals. Most of the thriving forest landscapes have now become plastic garbage grounds, which affects the wildlife by killing them. People throw away food wastes, wrapped in plastics and polythene bags. Animals often eat plastic because they are not always able to distinguish plastic from food. Herbivores can’t identify the difference between food and plastic bags, especially if the bags have food inside. Most recently six elephants died allegedly after eating plastics that was dumped at this landfill site. There have been several other incidents recorded where elephant’s deaths were attributed to their consumption of garbage. The solution seems to be separating the garbage and preventing the elephants from accessing it by building a strong fence around it. If the people reduce the use of plastics and polythene in their daily consumption that much of garbage would not dumped. It will help to protect the wildlife and the entire ecosystems and the environment. Otherwise these rubbish will affect existence of endangered elephants. Join this channel to get access to perks: Stay with us to watch more videos on majestic elephants and don’t forget to subscribe our channel. Enjoy and let us know your comments about in this video. #elephantZone #Elephantsfeedlandfill
3  When birds eats plastic!
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Not What You Think It Is | The Swim

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Not What You Think It Is | The Swim

It's not an island twice the size of Texas. But it is severely impacting marine life and human health... and incredibly hard to study. How Millions of Microscopic Fibers Are Ending Up in Our Bodies - Read More What Happens to the Plastic We Throw Out "Henderson Island is a tiny, uninhabited island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 3,000 miles from major population centers. Though it is half the size of Manhattan, more than 19 tons of trash litter its white, sandy beaches. Researchers estimate that it has the highest concentration of debris of any place in the world, for a total of over 37 million pieces on the entirety of the small island. For every square meter you walk, on average you’ll find 672 pieces of trash. For each visible piece of debris on the beach in the video above, two pieces are buried in the sand. How does so much trash wash ashore on Henderson Island?" We know ocean plastic is a problem. We can’t fix it until we answer these 5 questions. "Ocean plastic has, in a pretty short time, become a surprisingly potent international environmental movement.For one, there’s more awareness now about the astounding quantity of plastic — between 4.7 and 12.8 million metric tons — floating around in the ocean. As the World Economic Forum put it, this volume is 'equivalent to dumping the contents of one garbage truck into the ocean per minute.' But what about large-scale, long-term plastic reduction? Shouldn’t we also be working toward that?" A running list of action on plastic pollution "THE WORLD HAS a plastic pollution problem and it’s snowballing—but so is public awareness and action. Each year, an estimated 18 billion pounds of plastic waste enters the world’s ocean from coastal regions. That’s about equivalent to five grocery bags of plastic trash piled up on every foot of coastline on the planet. New research is emerging apace about the possible long-term impacts of tiny pieces of plastic on the marine food chain—raising fresh questions about how it might ultimately impact human health and food security. The world is waking up to a crisis of ocean plastic—and we're tracking the developments and solutions as they happen." ____________________ Ben Lecomte's historic swim across the Pacific Ocean is a feat that can’t be missed. Join us as we dive into the most extensive data set of the Pacific Ocean ever collected. Learn about the technology the Seeker crew is using to deter sharks away from Ben and measure the impact of the long-distance swim on his mind and body. Ben's core mission is to raise awareness for ocean health issues, so we’ll investigate key topics such as pollution and plastics as he swims closer to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, discover potential consequences from climate change, and examine how factors like ocean currents can impact his progress along the way. Seeker explains every aspect of our world through a lens of science, inspiring a new generation of curious minds who want to know how today’s discoveries in science, math, engineering and technology are impacting our lives, and shaping our future. Our stories parse meaning from the noise in a world of rapidly changing information. Subscribe now! Seeker on Twitter Seeker on Facebook Seeker Discovery on Facebook Nomadica Films
How super corals could help save our reefs

How super corals could help save our reefs

Coral reefs are magic underwater worlds that support 25 percent of all marine life. But climate change is threatening to wipe them out. Now scientists and conservationists around the world are racing to toughen coral reefs up. Is that enough to save these vital ecosystems? We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess. #PlanetA #CoralReefs #CoralBleaching Reporter: Adam Levy Camera: Marco Borowski Video Editor: David Jacobi, Adam Levy Supervising Editor: Malte Rohwer-Kahlmann, Joanna Gottschalk Read more: These corals could survive climate change — and help save the world's reefs: A Decision Framework for Interventions to Increase the Persistence and Resilience of Coral Reefs: IPCC Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5 ºC: Special thanks for background interview: Steve Palumbi, Stanford University 00:00 Intro 00:49 Magic underwater worlds 01:36 Corals under threat 03:41 How to protect coral reefs 04:47 Can we toughen up coral reefs? 06:46 Is that enough?


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